Your Resource Center for Vinyl, Wood, Aluminum Siding

Why is Siding Important?

In Short: Siding protects the house against the elements and pests! It helps prevent moisture penetration and the growth of biological contaminants such as mold, dust mites and bacteria. ··Continued

Your choices for Siding

Choosing siding deserves careful consideration. We have grouped your options into basic categories which you can review to gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of each choice. Remember a carefully chosen siding, appropriate for your climate and the amount of care you are willing to devote to its maintenance will enhance the beauty and sell ability of your home.

And if you need help understanding some of the terminology used you can review our Glossary of House Siding Terms

What is my next step, how can I find out more information on siding?

When you are ready NewSiding offers free no obligation Siding Quotes and as a thank you NewSiding will share our Insider’s Guide to Siding when you request your quote.

How do I get a quote for my house?

We offer Free Siding Quotes for consumers who are comparision shopping

What are the benefits of Vinyl?

Vinyl Siding - Reviews, Ratings, Maintenance

How do I clean my Aluminum Siding?

Visit our Aluminum Maintenance Section

Recommended upkeep for Wood- Shingles, Composition board, etc. Siding?

Visit our Wood Maintenance Section

What siding is best suited for my home?

Check Our Resource Center for the pros & cons of Vinyl Siding, Aluminum, and Wood